Sarah Wahiba Senan

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Beyond Resolutions : Intentions and the Word of the Year

Feeling the buzz of New Year's resolutions? The whole "New Year, New You!" and vision board frenzy can be a lot to take in. It's downright exhausting, isn't it? 

And yet, you really want 2024 to feel better.  And if you’ve read my last blog post, you're aware of the challenges that can make resolutions feel like a bit of a dead end. 

Today, I want to talk about another way to embrace a new year that has gained traction in recent years – the Word of the Year trend.

Word of the Year

I first stumbled upon the Word of the Year trend back in 2017, and by the start of 2018, it had already woven itself into my approach to the new year. There's something about its simplicity that struck a chord – a refreshing contrast to the multiple ways people tackle resolutions.

In 2017, while juggling a full-time gig at Target and nurturing my coaching aspirations, I found solace in the word "aligned." Leaving Target wasn't in the cards just yet, but choosing "aligned" as my guiding word set the stage for my eventual departure. (Fun fact: by 2019, I was aligned enough to bid Target farewell!)

Reflecting on it now, "aligned" was my North Star, so to speak, setting me on a trajectory that resonates through the years. Isn't that the essence of resolutions, after all?

My Past Year – Intentional

At the close of 2022, I deliberately chose "intentional" as my guiding word. I was making pivotal changes in my business's branding and marketing, as well as gaining clarity in naming the emotions I sought in my life. "Intentional" felt like the bow elegantly wrapping around my aspirations.

And then came March 2023, a month that sparked a lot of change.  In the span of one, my relationship ended, coinciding with what was ultimately a 4 month hospitalization for my father.  Thankfully, he's okay now, but March marked the beginning of a four-month battle for his comfort and navigating the healthcare system to ensure he received the necessary care.  That, on top of grieving a relationship and hitting the reset button in my life personally was a lot, as you might imagine. 

In the midst of this emotional storm, my business remained steadfast. Amidst the grief, I realized how different things could have played out as I found my new footing again. The intentions I set at the year's start truly manifested. On days when I felt completely adrift in the chaos, I rebounded quickly because I had a clear home base to return to.

In simple terms, being intentional became my saving grace throughout the year.

 Now, as you read this, you might think it's merely about the word I chose for the year. But it goes beyond that. My word for 2023 seamlessly aligned with the essence of intentions. 

Because of my intentional approach, I found the resilience to rebound – again and again.

That, to me, is the essence of life. It's not always sunshine and rainbows. At the beginning of the year, I couldn't have anticipated the challenges ahead. Yet, my North Star remained clear. The ability to rebound is life's true essence, in my opinion. Trying to avoid life's rough patches is a futile effort because curveballs are inevitable.

Ultimately, it boils down to our actions and what we return to that makes the difference.

 2023 unfolded, bringing me a profound clarity, albeit in uncomfortable ways.

A Sneak Peak at my 2024 Word

As we enter 2024, and I think about my word – my North Star – it’s become clear to me how important my health – mental, physical, emotional – is to every facet of my life.  This past year demanded frequent pivots, and in some ways there’s a bit of residual whiplash I’m still feeling.  And underneath it all, I’ve recognized that centering myself to achieve balance is a game changer when life hurls those inevitable curveballs. 

I’m not quite sure of my word for 2024 yet, but I do have it narrowed down to either centered or grounded. 

What’s Your Intention for 2024?

As we bid farewell to 2023 and step into a new year, where will you direct your energy? How can you infuse intention into what you wish to embrace and craft in this fresh chapter?

Whether you already have your word of the year, specific goals for 2024, or find yourself utterly clueless, coaching is here to support you in navigating all the moving pieces – be they anticipated or unplanned. And here's something special – a shorter package, the ELI assessment and five sessions, designed to get you started like never before.

Feeling overwhelmed is perfectly normal, especially with the hustle of the holidays. That's precisely why I've crafted a micro-package aimed at bringing you clarity. I've witnessed numerous clients gain confidence by clarifying their goals, propelling them into decisive action. Others have found accountability to be a catalyst for progress, and everyone benefits from the awareness that surfaces when uncovering the stories they tell themselves.

Whether you're in pursuit of clarity or need support with the clarity you already possess, coaching is the empowering pathway to self-support.

 I'm cheering you on as you take the first step towards your 2024 goals, and it would be my honor to support you on this journey.

With joy,
